Mark Gallagher
Head Frosh/Soph Coach
(847) 486-4689
Mark is a veteran Mathematics Teacher at Glenbrook South and has taught for more than 25 years. A Hersey High School graduate, he pursued a business degree from Northern Illinois University and graduated with a Marketing Degree in 1984. After working in business with a large paper company and back to the area as a financial consultant, he went back to school at DePaul University to become an educator. He has coached basketball for 20 years, including the GBS State Champions in 1994, as the assistant varsity coach. He has served as the Interact Service Club Sponsor and is the Coordinator of the Habitat Summer School Program that is in its 11 th year of providing help for families battling poverty. He has coached baseball at Glenbrook North and Glenbrook South High School for the past 20 years and will be the Frosh/Soph Head Baseball Coach this spring for the Titans.